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📱 Bounti App Support
📱 Bounti App Support
Ziar Khosrawi avatar
Verfasst von Ziar Khosrawi
Updated over a week ago

Login to the Bounti App

  • To log in to the Bounti App, please enter your email.

  • You will then receive a magic link in your inbox.

  • Open that link, and it will automatically log you into the Bounti App.

Take a course in Bounti

  • We will notify you once your company assigns you to new courses.

  • To take them, click the "Start Course" button in the email and it will automatically direct you to the course page in the Bounti App

Your Bounti Profile

  • In your Bounti profile, you will see all completed courses and a summary of your progress, and points.

💡 If you have any questions, or need further support with the Bounti App, please reach out to [email protected]

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